Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

Com plexwith vitam in D3 (2000 IU),K2 and Om ega 3 flax,Life Care® maintainsbonehealth € 13.49 4% DISCOUNT 30capsules Yourbonehealthisveryimportant.Youneeda dietary supplement with a high vitamin D3 contenttohelpyoumaintainit. Itimprovesthemood,supportsthefunctioning oftheimmunesystem andcomesasasupport forthecardiovascularsystem . Method ofadministration:2 capsules/day are recommended,onlyforpeoplefrom theageof 14. M adeinGermany •containsvitaminsD3(2000IU), K2andOmega3from Linum •ensurescalcium f ixation •supportsthefunctioningofthe immunesystem •improvesmood 7044 € 8.69 Calcium and Magnesium CoralCom plex,Life Care® m aintainstheskeletalsystem The Calcium and M agnesium Coral Com plex,Life Care® is a supplement neces ary formaintaining the health of the skeletal system and teeth, which contributes to the normal functioning of the muscular system, energy metabolism and the normal functioningofdigestiveenzymes. It is recommended one capsule per dayforpeopleover15yearsofage. M adeinGermany 30capsules 774 38 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY